Good Things Yesterday Brings (yesterday being Wednesday)

Wednesday evening was a lovely cooking experiment night making mini meatloaves in muffin cups, sweet mashed potatoes, and rosemary peach cinnamon stick ice cream. Lots of yum! I couldn’t have done it without Olivia’s help. The ice cream was probably the most fun because we just went with what sounded good according to our palates.


Mini meatloaf, sweet mashed potatoes and a salad with cashew ricotta.


Rosemary peach cinnamon stick ice cream.

After we ate and everything cooled down, I froze my little meatloaves with some potatoes dolloped on top to make easy meals for work lunches or lazy cooking nights. I had been wanting to make these “muffins” for awhile and I’m really happy with how they turned out. Gluten and dairy free too, which is a perfect quick fix during the 21-day food challenge Olivia and I are doing.

I’ll be posting my recipes for our meal over the weekend. Stay tuned!